One Of A Garden Asset – Coldframe

In the Northern garden during march sow grass seed on level or near level areas, especially if your lawn was made last fall. This will help build a thick stand of ground and may be done whether the grass has thawed or is still frozen. The seed will germinate early. Plant food, if needed, can be applied later. Rolling may be done later, also.

Dormant Spraying

A thorough spraying now, while trees are dormant and before new growth on evergreens begins, will do much to head off trouble later. Many gardeners wait until insects and disease have gained a foothold before going into action. A dormant spray is used to control scale insects on lilacs, euonymus, pachysandra and fruit trees. The material used is miscible oil, obtainable commercially under various trade names. Each spray must be used as directions indicate. Oil cannot be used on Japanese maple, beech, sugar maple or larch. Nor should it be used on evergreens like the spruce. Dormant sprays should never be applied when the temperature is below 45 nor if the leaves show as much as inch of green.

Soil for Coldframe

A coldframe is your greatest gardening asset, but it needs attention for maximum results. See that good drainage is provided and that all the glass is in place. Prepare the soil in accordance with its use. For seeds and seedlings, use a 6-inch layer of a soil mixture containing 1 part each of soil, sand and lea fmold. (Peatmoss or well decayed compost may be substituted.) All ingredients should be sifted through ; inch screen. To a bushel of this mixture, add 1 tablespoon of superphosphate and tablespoon of agricultural lime. If you sow seed in pans or flats, set these on a layer of sand in your coldframe until the transplanting stuge. Until the weather gets warm, cover the sash at night with hay or mats, Also draw the soil up around the outside of the coldframe for greater insulation.

Cabbage, lettuce, broccoli, celery, onions and even tomatoes can he sown in your coldframe, as well as sweet peas and larkspur in 3-inch pots. All can be transplanted within the frame or, with the exception of tomatoes, set outdoors sometime in April. Watering, when needed, should be done in the morning. Avoid opening the sash suddenly. A rush of cold air in a warm frame may cripple your plants

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