Garden Plants – Highly Adaptable Organisms

Adaptability – Garden plants, with few exceptions, are highly adaptable organisms.

They have originated, or have been developed from plants that have originated, in all sorts of areas where sunlight, temperature, moisture, soil texture and fertility, and also parasites, are subject to wide variation, daily, seasonally, regionally, and every other which-way. And so most garden plants can be grown by most gardeners – if they couldn’t they wouldn’t be “garden plants” – and so, too, as often as not, if you ask half a dozen gardeners how to grow a certain plant you get exactly six different recommendations.

Of course every plant requires a minimum of this-and-that and can only stand a maximum of that-and-this – heat, water, nitrogen, or anything else – and as long as what you give the plant is within all the minima and maxima your plant lives. It’s only when you go below or above in something that it sickens and dies – perhaps because of your neglect or perhaps because of your excessive pampering.

Anyway, it’s wonderfully stimulating to think that you could grow most garden plants if you wanted to – or if you had the space and the time to do so – and that sooner or later you at least will grow a great many plants that you haven’t grown till now. Heck, I was even slow to install landscape lighting and they require almost no work.

Probably our being able to think that way has a lot to do with our also thinking of gardening as the best of all possible hobbies – our thinking, or rather our knowing, that there’s an endless variety of plants we can grow and that sometime we’ll actually grow as many of them as our fancy dictates and our time and space permit.

This fall, I’m sure, nearly all of us will plant something we haven’t tried before-many of us, in fact, will plant dozens of things. And even if one or two of our new things fail, those that succeed are certain to induce our planting more new things in the spring and still more a year from now. Some of us, indeed, will ‘actually decide this fall what we’re’ going to plant six months, a year and two or maybe three years hence!

About the Author:There is much more to explore on the subject of solar garden lights. Drop by today at