All About Choosing Pond Lights

In the daytime, a pond can make a great centerpiece to any garden, but this does not have to stop when the sun goes down. By adding pond lights to their water features, many people have succeeded in making their gardens equally appealing in the evening and by night. It can make a great setting for a party or sitting outside on a summer evening and adds greatly to the versatility of any garden.

There are several different kinds of lights that can be used with a pool, each of which can create a different style and feel. Which one you choose will depend upon the characteristics of your water feature, whether you have plants around it, and the particular effect that you would like to create.

One of the easiest ways to add lights is to use standard garden lamps by the side of the pool. These can shine their beams over the surface of the water, illuminating the ripples and also drawing attention to any plants and trees you may have planted in the vicinity.

A more adventurous option is to go for underwater lights, which are completely waterproof and are submerged beneath the surface of the pond. The sight of the light shining up through the water is very interesting and attractive at night, and can also create fascinating effects against any water plants or fish that might be in your pool.

Another variation is floating lights, which are available in a range of styles including flowers, fish and frogs. These lamps have a soft and gentle glow that shines on its surroundings without being overpowering. They are usually solar powered, so they store up energy while the sun is out in the day, and then are able to light up at night without the need for cables or any other power supply.

Once you have decided what style of light would suit your garden the most, there are also options in terms of color. White lights are one possibility, and can be very effective in illuminating the surface of the water and surrounding greenery. There are also plenty of exciting options with colored lamps, however, and a very attractive scene can be created with blue, green or almost any other colored bulbs.

If you have a moving water feature such as a fountain or waterfall in your pond, lights can be used to great effect to highlight this motion in the dark. The beam can be directed at the moving water to draw attention to its motion, and the use of colored lamps in this situation is particularly effective.

By installing pond lights in your garden, you will be able to enjoy the area at any time of the day or night. No matter what kind you choose to put in, they will create a dramatic effect and are sure to always attract a lot of attention from guests.

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